
Showing posts from June, 2019

How to environment setup of Angular Project for beginners

Firstly Install node Js in your pc Run below command in CLI and CMD. [MS DOS] npm install -g @angular/cli ng new myAngularProject cd myAngularProject ng serve For Mac Pc Add sudo for every command

How to debugging phone in chrome browser in easy steps.

Requiered steps for debugging mobile phone. 1.        Firstly connect phone through usb. [Computer CPU to Phone] 2.        Go to phone setting option and select the additional setting option in setting tool of phone. 3.        After that go to in developer option in phone. 4.        After that Choose option Allow USB Debugging option in phone. 5.        After that open google chrome browser and type the below code in Google Chrome Address chrome://inspect/#devices 6.        Open the web page in google chrome app on your connected phone. Finally debugging is start. Enjoy......